In this way you will bring your child out of himself and ho will realize that he is the same as you and that you are no gret god or ideal on a pedestal who fears nothing, that can do no wrong. Let your child know you are human, let him know that to err is human and the rare no perfect examples of humanity. all people at some time or another my do wrong.
It is almost impossible for a child to know that his parents were once children and it seems almost impossible to a child to live up to the high ideals of his parents, they must come down to the level of the child so that the child on realize they are really just human beings and, like all human bḥings, have feelings and ideals, joys and fears. A child oan senso fears, joys, heartbreaks,, eto. Son sing this and not knowing the truth of the matter can cause emotional disturbances in the child.
Do not questi on the child continually about little everyday things for he will seem to draw away from you. Remember that while you may be interested in all the little things he does to him they are everyday occurrences and nothing to get to o upset about. Let him volunteer the information, let him know you are there to listen when he has something to offeri Let him know you are interested in his life but do not goad the child. Being questioned continually will put him on guard and he will immedi. tely build a negative attitude and feel that he is being put on the spot.
Respect is very important attitud to be culti vated by both parents and children. It is just as important for the parent to respect the wishes, desires und ideas, wi thin limits, of the child as it is for the child to respect the attitudes of adults. The child can only learn respect from his teachers, parents, friends, etc. Even though small the child is un indi vidual and as such is entitled to respect.
The Family Education Service at 1010 Gough st., San Francisco, has a good library on these subjects and for & nominal fea you can purchase numerous pamphlets, arti des and books on this sub joot. Educate yourself first and then be in the educati în of your child.
Jean Peterson
The second in this series on Raising Children In A Deviant Relationship will be held in the near future. If you are interested please contact the daughters of Bilitis at the office, brook 7-0773, or drop a card to us at 693 mission St., San Francisco 5. There is room for three or four more, although we want to keep the group small. Sd.